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Limb Discrepancy

Limb discrepancy refers to a condition in which there is an inequality in the length of the limbs (arms or legs). It can occur due to various factors, including growth disturbances, trauma, infections, or congenital abnormalities. 

Here are some key points about limb discrepancy:

Types of limb discrepancy:

There are two main types of limb discrepancy: true limb discrepancy and functional limb discrepancy. True limb discrepancy occurs when there is an actual difference in the length of the bones in the limbs. Functional limb discrepancy, on the other hand, is when the apparent difference in limb length is caused by factors like muscle contractures or joint stiffness rather than bone length.


Limb discrepancy can have various causes. It can be congenital, meaning it is present at birth, or it can develop later in life due to factors such as growth plate abnormalities, bone fractures, infections, or conditions like Blount’s disease or neurofibromatosis.

Measurement and evaluation:

To determine the extent of limb discrepancy, healthcare professionals typically use radiographic imaging techniques like X-rays or scans. These imaging methods provide accurate measurements of bone length and help determine the appropriate treatment approach.


The treatment of limb discrepancy depends on several factors, including the cause, severity, age of the individual, and their functional needs. Non-surgical interventions may include physical therapy to improve muscle strength and flexibility, shoe lifts or orthotic devices to equalize limb length, or bracing to correct alignment. In more severe cases or when conservative measures are ineffective, surgical options such as limb lengthening or shortening procedures may be considered.

Daily Life Effects Of Limb Discrepancy

Limb discrepancy can have several effects on daily life, including:

Gait abnormalities:

Limb discrepancy can result in an uneven gait, causing difficulties with walking and balance. This may lead to a noticeable limp or an altered pattern of movement.

Postural changes

: To compensate for limb length differences, individuals with limb discrepancy may develop compensatory postures. These postural changes can affect overall body alignment and may lead to issues such as back pain or postural imbalances.

Activity limitations

: Depending on the severity of the limb discrepancy, certain activities or movements may be challenging or restricted. This can impact daily activities such as walking long distances, participating in sports, or performing specific tasks that require balance or coordination.

Clothing and footwear considerations:

Individuals with limb discrepancy may need to make adjustments in their clothing choices and footwear. They may require modifications such as shoe lifts, orthotic inserts, or custom-made shoes to compensate for the difference in limb length.

Limb Discrepancy Correction With Limb Lengthening Surgery

Limb lengthening is a surgical procedure that can be used to correct limb discrepancy by increasing the length of the shorter limb. It is typically performed on the long bones of the lower limbs, such as the femur (thigh bone) or tibia (shin bone). 

Here’s how limb lengthening can help correct limb discrepancy:

Preoperative planning

: Before the surgery, a thorough evaluation is conducted to assess the limb discrepancy and determine the appropriate treatment plan. This may involve radiographic imaging, measurements, and a comprehensive examination of the affected limb.

Surgical procedure

: Limb lengthening surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes one or more incisions near the bone to gain access to the site of lengthening. Different techniques can be used, including external fixators (such as the Ilizarov or Taylor Spatial Frame) or internal devices like nails or rods. The choice of technique depends on various factors, including the location and severity of the limb discrepancy.


: An osteotomy, which is the surgical cutting of the bone, is performed at the desired location. This allows the bone to be gradually separated and create a gap that will be filled during the lengthening process.

Gradual lengthening

: After the osteotomy, an external fixator or internal device is applied to stabilize the bone and facilitate the lengthening process. In external fixators, thin wires or pins are inserted into the bone on either side of the osteotomy, and an external frame is attached to provide controlled distraction and stabilization. With internal devices, the lengthening mechanism is contained within the bone and not visible externally.

Consolidation and bone healing

: Once the desired length is achieved, a period of consolidation begins. The bone gradually heals and solidifies in the new lengthened position. This consolidation phase typically lasts several months, during which weight-bearing is gradually introduced under the guidance of the medical team.

Rehabilitation and physical therapy:

After the bone has consolidated, a period of rehabilitation and physical therapy follows to help restore strength, flexibility, and function. Physical therapy may involve exercises, stretching, and activities to promote optimal recovery and functional outcomes.

Follow-up care:

Regular follow-up visits are necessary to monitor healing, assess progress, and address any complications or concerns that may arise.